Need to author your own web pages, make quick changes and updates, and do it in a simple manner? Recent advances in browser-based web authoring make this a reality. Click image above to see how feature-rich your site can be!

Where To Begin ....
Site Mission .... How is your site intended to serve you? Will yours serve as a public relations or information center? An online catalog, perhaps? Next, define who your target is, and how much the internet impacts (or may be viable to) this market. Always factor the cost to promote your new site ... with non-internet media.
Planning ... As in any media design ... think of a linear story line. What is the logical story-board sequence to informing others about your organization and product? The site also has to provide the viewer with the flexibility to roam at will through your site, and enjoy the visit.
Will the site or pages change often? Built-in expandability is a key to flexibility and efficient site management. Baugh Graphic Design will help you build a flexible navigation schematic (blueprint) for your site, with additional modules and linking developed as needed. From the beginning, your site will be well planned and organized.
Enhance your site with value-added features such as RSS feeds. Above window links will open in a new window or tab.
Budget .... What does a web site cost?
Fixed costs Domain name registration and web site hosting. Domain name registration cost is currently $70 for two years. There are a few registrars who are offering discount rates for domain name registration, dependent upon length of service. Commercial web server hosting cost ranges from under $10 to $30 per month, dependent upon hosting features. BGD can assist you with properly registering a domain name & choosing a hosting service.
Variable costs Web design. Baugh Graphic Design design services are billed to the quarter hour. Typically, a single web page can require 1 to 2 hours to develop the layout, incorporate copy and graphics, establish hyperlinking, test, proof, and upload new files to your site. Revisions to existing web pages usually require less time, dependent on the number of page elements or hyperlinks changed. We will prepare a detailed estimate for your approval prior to starting any work.
Materials The designer/developer needs to be immersed in the scope of the project. Client provided company brochures, competitive examples, letterhead, press releases, data sheets, video, drawings, photographs, computer image files, web sites that appeal lists, all help speed your sites design development.
Conceptual Development Baugh Graphic Design will interview you in order to develop design concepts that will integrate the graphic look and feel of the site, along with the navigational controls. In this stage, several static and working layouts will be developed and delivered to you for design review/modification/approval. The final design will be incorporated as the site home page, and pages or sections can then be added as needed.
Revisions Think of making changes in the early design stages of a phase, to reduce time and costs. Planned growth and site updates are optimum, whereas frequent and reactive changes on your site can be both expensive and detrimental to overall site effectiveness. When modifications are requested, Baugh Graphic Design will provide an estimate of additional time needed, for your authorization and approval.
Construction / Maintenance The pages and links are built according to the design plan and budget established in early planning stages. When project conditions are optimum, a site can often be erected and functional within a few days. Typically, once a site is up and running, very little maintenance is required beyond routine updates.
Flashvideo streaming can easily be implemented into your site. Uses include: airing video commercials, providing customers with online user-manuals, or simply adding visual interest to your site.